What is your role as a governance professional?

‘My work is focused on board advisory and share registry functions. My advisory role includes advising directors and officers of listed companies on director duties and other regulatory requirements. I also advise boards, or governing bodies, on corporate governance principles and the implementation of governance programmes. The share registry side of my work includes preparing for annual and extraordinary general meetings (AGMs and EGMs) and acting as a poll vote scrutineer. Developing digital tools for share registry and related services, such as pre-meeting e-Proxies, onsite e-polling and hybrid meeting solutions, is also an important part of my work.’

What was your career path to your current role?

‘I joined Tricor Group in 2004 as an Associate and was appointed as Client Services Director in 2018. With over 15 years of experience in the share registry industry, I have participated in over 100 IPO projects and currently look after more than 200 listed issuers, including exchange traded funds.’ 

What value does governance bring to organisations and to wider society?

‘Corporate governance makes companies more accountable and transparent to investors and gives them the tools to respond to legitimate stakeholder concerns. An increase in confidence by investors in the company due to robust financial management reporting will not only improve access to capital, but also minimise both cost of capital and cost of equity. Transparency in a company’s internal policies, control mechanisms and how it deals with its suppliers, vendors, media, staff and government bodies will also boost its reputation and thus its brand value.’

What qualities do you think are needed to be a successful governance professional?

‘I would emphasise the importance of continuing professional development. To be effective, governance professionals need to maintain their personal knowledge of, and expertise in, issues pertinent to the work of the organisations they work for. I would also emphasise the importance of going digital – and the value of digitalisation has become all the more apparent during these times of uncertainty. Through the use of digital tools, governance professionals can help companies reap the benefits of intelligent systems, accelerating business performance and optimising intracompany operations.’

How do you think governance will evolve in the future?

‘Private company boards, and their shareholders, will become more demanding regarding regular disclosures. Diversity, disclosure and interactions between principals and their agents, as well as stakeholders, will increasingly require high-quality governance data. More and more companies are leveraging technology to engage with shareholders.’

What inspires you in your life and work?

‘My determination to achieve my own long-term goals inspires me to do my best. On the other hand, my own failures – if I have failed to do a particular task or job – also motivate me to do better. I believe we should not take anything for granted and I am passionate about working hard for something I love.’

How do you fill your time outside work?

‘I exercise and lift weights to stay in shape and to stay motivated. I also like travelling to nearby places or new locations and exploring these place without any prior planning. Spending time with my family without browsing the internet or checking social media is also important to me.’