AI – staying in the picture

This month’s journal looks at a topic that has been front and centre of attention wherever you look these days. Will artificial intelligence (AI) take our jobs? Will it run amok and lead to the extinction of the human race? A healthy degree of scepticism is needed with regard to some of the more speculative notions feeding the hype surrounding AI. It is worth bearing in mind that this is a tool that is already proving to be beneficial in many areas of our lives. As far as our profession is concerned, it has already led to efficiency gains by automating many of the administrative aspects of our function.
Thursday | 23 May 2024

人工智能 - 置身事内

本期会刊将会着重探讨一个最近备受关注的话题:人工智能 (AI)会使我们失业吗?它的发展会不会失控从而导致人类灭绝?对于一些围绕人工智能的投机性的概念炒作,我们需要保持一定的怀疑态度。值得注意的是,人工智能已被证明是对我们生活的方方面面都有利的一种工具。就我们的职业而言,它已经通过将我们职能中涉及到的许多行政工作自动化而提高了我们的工作效率。
Thursday | 23 May 2024