Xie Jilong, Board Secretary, CRRC Corporation, highlights the economic and social opportunities resulting from the trend towards global connectivity.

From the age of discovery to the proof of the earth being round, from the industrial revolution to the massive expansion of railway networks, we have reached milestone after milestone, with new discoveries and inventions that have helped us progress into the modern era. And now we have entered the internet age. Not only has the internet enabled real time communication, it has also been an important engine driving our economy. A fast, reliable and secure internet connection makes online securities trading simple and accessible to everyone. The internet is the foundation of the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect programme, which allows more global investors to participate in the Shanghai A-share market in real time. More importantly, the new cross-border trading platform has been a catalyst to the faster integration of China's capital markets with the rest of the world.

One Belt One Road – another route to global connectivity

The One Belt One Road plan, introduced by President Xi Jinping in the fall of 2013, is the Chinese framework for fostering foreign trade with more than 60 countries along the ancient Silk Road. This initiative enables win-win cooperation that promotes common development and prosperity and a road towards peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and strengthening all-round exchange.

Towards greater capital market connectivity

CRRC Corporation, as an A+H share company, is open to both domestic and international investors. It is also one of the qualified stocks in the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect programme. The One Belt One Road initiative is giving it never-before-possible opportunities to further extend its reach. Currently, the company's business covers 102 countries and regions across six continents, and more than 83% of the countries and regions that own railway networks use the company's products. Leveraging the One Belt One Road infrastructure development, CRRC will continue to devote itself to the building of a better connected world by taking part in high-speed rail construction around the world.

Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect

In 2014, the eagerly-awaited Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect programme commenced, establishing a new channel for global investors to access China's stock market. Mainland investors can also trade Hong Kong-listed stocks through the new platform. Not only can the programme set examples for a similar scheme planned for the Shenzhen and Hong Kong bourses, but it also is a good reference for the future cross-border trading links to London and New York markets. The establishment of the Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect schemes is a timely opportunity for Mainland companies to access global capital markets through Hong Kong. In other words, the capital market convergence allows Mainland companies to tap into global sources of finance as they continue to increase their global presence. It also allows them to adapt their strategy to international market changes more quickly. As an A+H share company and a qualified stock in the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect scheme, CRRC Corporation will seize the future opportunities presented by a more connected world. Xie Jilong Board Secretary, CRRC Corporation    



大航海時代的探險向世人證明,地球是圓的;以蒸汽機為代表的工業革命使人類邁入鐵路時代又一次證明,世界是互聯的;互聯網的突飛猛進讓大家感覺都生活在地球村里,世界是平的: 全方位的互聯互通必將成為時代的主題! 滬港通的開通以及兩地市場的融合是催化劑,一方面推動全球資本市場的互聯互通,另一方面也為實體經濟的互聯互通提供強有力的支持。 “一帶一路”,區域的互聯互通 “一帶一路”的偉大構想,賦予了古絲綢之路嶄新的時代內涵,得到了國際社會的廣泛響應。“一帶一路”是開放的,立足於一帶一路面向全球,致力於互聯互通、互惠互利;“一帶一路”是多元的,涵蓋各個合作領域,合作形式可以多種多樣;“一帶一路”是共贏的,各國共同參與,遵循共商共建共享原則,實現共同發展繁榮。“一帶一路”將實現海路陸路的互聯互通,創造新的區域經濟模式,為經濟圈內60多個國家和地區帶來發展機遇。


國際化是A+H上市公司使命所在,也是互聯互通的最終實現形式。中國中車是滬港通標的公司,是“一帶一路”戰略的重點實施企業,國際化也是中國中車持之以恆實施的戰略之一。中國中車的產品已經覆蓋全球六大洲102個國家和地區,超過83%擁有鐵路的國家和地區用上了中國中車的產品。 借勢“一帶一路”建設,中國中車將秉承“融合全球,造福人類”的使命,整合全球資源,加強產能合作,聚焦用戶需求,致力用中車方案解決世界交通問題,將高鐵打造成為中國製造金字品牌,讓中國中車的產品和服務,成為世界各國人民生產生活不可或缺的組成部分。


滬港通於2014年正式開通,使得上海、香港兩個股票市場之間建立了一個雙邊互通的准入市場,實現了上海與香港股票市場的互聯互通。滬港通為兩地投資者帶來方便,海外投資者能夠參與內地的A股市場,同時內地的投資者能夠投資香港的股票市場;同時滬港通也為深港通、滬倫通、滬紐通等的開通等提供了可藉鑑的模式。 如果說“三網融合”、“一帶一路”和國際化是實現經濟實體的互聯互通,那麼滬港通就是實現資本市場互聯互通的大膽嘗試。實體經濟的發展需要資本市場的支撐,香港的資本市場是面向全球的開放的資本市場,滬港通的開通也是兩地市場融合的有效突破。 內地與香港資本市場的融合為全球資本市場的互聯互通起到了先導和示範作用,具有重要的意義。不論是“三網融合”推動中國國內的互聯互通,還是“一帶一路”推動世界區域的互聯互通,終將實現的是國際化、是全球的互聯互通。 中國中車作為A+H上市公司、滬港通的標的公司,在實施國際化戰略的過程中,將會抓住全球互聯互通的發展機遇。 謝紀龍 中國中車董秘