In this month’s NextGen series, CGj interviews Ginger Keung, Executive Director, Non-Bank Business – Institutions Department of a large bank.

What is your current role and what was your career path to this role?

‘After graduating from university, I joined a bank and initially handled transactions and other operational tasks. I was then promoted to a sales role and became the first point of contact for institutional clients. Over the years, I gradually accumulated experience and now work with larger clients. My company encourages employees to pursue advanced studies and the Institute’s qualification programme is one of those on the list. Since I deal with various institutional clients, it is important to understand corporate forms and the relevant governance issues. Preparing for the exams has helped me better comprehend the corporate governance and compliance framework of a bank, as well as management’s business perspective. Having knowledge and awareness of governance and compliance issues is advantageous not just for legal and compliance staff, but also for frontline staff.’

When did you first hear the terms ‘company secretary’ and ‘governance’? What was your impression of these terms?

‘I first came across company secretaries when I was opening bank accounts and conducting KYC for institutional clients. While opening accounts is a standard procedure, it can still be confusing for a fresh graduate. When I first started working, I wasn’t familiar with the relevant provisions or the various bank and legal documents. I therefore sought assistance from colleagues with a company secretary background and did my own research, after which things became much clearer. I often encounter highly professional company secretaries from listed or private companies, who ensure the smooth progress of our work. Their level of expertise has left a lasting impression on me.’

What qualities do you think are needed to be a successful governance professional?

‘First, it is important to understand how and why a company operates. There are countless codes and rules in the banking industry, some of which are quite complex. Governance professionals need to be aware of the underlying reasons behind such provisions. Second, excellent communication skills are vital. Conflicts do occur between different parties and the art of good governance is about effectively resolving those conflicts.’

What is your chosen route to complete the Institute’s qualifying programme and what advice would you give to people who are considering qualifying as a Chartered Secretary and Chartered Governance Professional?

‘I have chosen to take the Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme exams because this route offers more flexibility in terms of scheduling. Reviewing past papers and watching the Institute’s exam-preparation videos works well for me. The other option was to enrol in a master’s degree programme. However, this would have required a significant investment and, because most of the classes were conducted online during the pandemic, it didn’t suit my needs. For those who choose to take the exams, I suggest thinking flexibly because the exam papers often include case studies and there are always a number of approaches to achieving a specific goal. Those who simply memorise formulaic answers may not be able to adapt.’

As a member of the younger generation, how do you think governance will evolve in the future?

‘Hong Kong’s financial institutions are highly regulated and there is a sophisticated governance framework in place. I believe governance of the banking industry will continue to be robust. It’s worth noting that with shorter innovation life cycles, new technology is emerging faster than ever. To nurture a healthy development environment for these trends, it is necessary to introduce fit-for-purpose regulatory frameworks and governance arrangements. I expect governance in areas such as AI, data security and biotechnology to increasingly come into the spotlight.’

having knowledge and awareness of governance and compliance issues is advantageous not just for legal and compliance staff, but also for frontline staff

Ginger Keung

Executive Director, Non-Bank Business – Institutions Department of a large bank





‘我最初接触到公司秘书这个职位,是在银行帮企业客户开户口,处理客户尽职审查程序的时候。开户口是标准程序,但对于初入职场的人来说,可以是很复杂的一回事。 最初我不太清楚相关的条文,也不熟悉各种银行及法律文件,于是找有公司秘书背景的同事帮忙,自己又做了点资料搜集,才更清楚了解这项工作。在日常工作中,我经常遇到上市或私人公司的公司秘书,他们非常专业,总能让工作顺利推进,他们的专业程度令我印象深刻。’


‘首先要理解公司的运作模式,以及以这种模式运作的原因。银行业有无数守则和规则要遵守,有些规定还很复杂;治理专业人士需要知道这些条文背后的缘由。第二, 良好的沟通技巧十分重要。各方之间总会有矛盾,而良好管治的艺术,就是要能有效地解决这些矛盾。’





认识治理和合规事宜,提高有关意识,不仅对法律及合规人员有好处, 前线员工也可从中得益



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