CGj highlights the key updates in the recently published consultation conclusions on the proposed amendments to the Corporate Governance Code and related Listing Rules from The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange).


  • the implementation date for the amendments to the CG Code and related Listing Rules has been revised to 1 July 2025, allowing issuers more time for the transition
  • a phased six-year transition for limiting the tenure of long-serving INEDs on boards has been introduced, with full compliance required on or after 1 July 2031
  • mandatory director training requirements have been refined, with reduced hours for first-time directors who have recent experience on exchanges other than those of the Exchange

On 14 June 2024, the Exchange published a public consultation paper, titled Review of [the] Corporate Governance Code and Related Listing Rules, seeking views and comments on proposed changes to the Corporate Governance Code (CG Code) and related Listing Rules, designed to enhance board effectiveness, strengthen board independence, create more diverse boardrooms, and strengthen risk management and internal controls.

Its conclusions to that consultation paper (Consultation Conclusions) were published on 19 December 2024. Having carefully considered 261 responses from a broad range of respondents, the Exchange has announced that it will adopt the consultation proposals with certain modifications and clarifications. ‘We believe the enhancements set out in this paper strike an appropriate balance between advancing good corporate governance practices in Hong Kong as an international financial centre and addressing the practical concerns of listed issuers,’ the Exchange said.

Key updates in the Consultation Conclusions include changes to the proposed implementation timeline for the CG Code amendments, the tenure of long-serving independent non-executive directors (INEDs), director training and the designation of lead INEDs. The pivotal amendments, as well as some of the important differences between the original proposal and the final Consultation Conclusions, are highlighted below.

Implementation date

The Exchange had initially proposed that the revised CG Code and related Listing Rules would come into effect on 1 January 2025. After considering the market feedback, the Exchange has now settled on a revised implementation date of 1 July 2025.

The Exchange explained that the ‘extended implementation timeline and other modifications to our original proposals strike a proper balance between progressing governance standards and giving issuers the flexibility to advance practices at an appropriate pace’.

The new requirements will come into effect on 1 July 2025, and will apply to corporate governance reports and annual reports for financial years commencing on or after 1 July 2025.

Long-serving INEDs

The Exchange had initially proposed that INEDs serving more than nine years would no longer be considered independent. It also proposed a hard cap on the tenure of long-serving INEDs, with a two-year cooling-off period and a three-year transition period.

In the Consultation Conclusions, the Exchange has settled on a new phased implementation over an extended six-year transition period and lengthening the cooling-off period to three years, with details as follows:

  • phase one: a three-year transition period starting from 1 July 2025, with compliance required by the first annual general meeting (AGM) held on or after 1 July 2028 – an issuer must not have any long-serving INEDs representing a majority of the INEDs on their board, and
  • phase two: a six-year transition period starting from 1 July 2025, with compliance required by the first AGM held on or after 1 July 2031 – an issuer must not have any long-serving INEDs on their board.

The Consultation Conclusions also stated that where an INED temporarily ceases to be an INED for less than three years, and is subsequently reappointed as an INED of the same issuer, this period must be included in the calculation of the nine-year tenure.

Director training

The Exchange had initially proposed mandatory director training for all directors of listed issuers each year on specified topics, with first-time directors required to complete a minimum of 24 training hours within 18 months of their appointment. Under the proposal, first-time directors are considered to be directors who are appointed as a director of an issuer listed on the Exchange for the first time, or have not served as a director of an issuer listed on the Exchange for a period of three years or more prior to their appointment.

In the Consultation Conclusions, the Exchange has reduced the minimum training hours to 12 hours for first-time directors with experience in issuers listed on an exchange other than the Main Board or GEM of the Exchange within three years prior to their appointment.

Previous training received by a first-time director can also be counted towards the minimum training hours, as stated in the Consultation Conclusions. A first-time director will need to complete the remaining balance of minimum training hours upon their appointment to a Hong Kong listed issuer, provided that the subsequent appointment is within three years of the conclusion of their first appointment.


The Exchange had initially proposed to require listed issuers without an independent board chair to designate one INED as a lead INED. After considering all responses, the Exchange has decided that the designation of a lead INED should be voluntary and should be implemented as a recommended best practice, rather than a Code Provision.

The Exchange has now said that the transition should allow more time for the expectation gap between listed issuers and investors to close, as well as for listed issuers to build their capacity to accommodate the lead INED concept.

The Exchange will publish an updated guidance in the first half of 2025 to assist listed issuers to comply with the new requirements. CGj will review the updated guidance as soon as practicable once it is ready.

The consultation conclusions are available on the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX):

The Institute’s new Director Training Package

The Institute promotes continuous learning as a fundamental aspect of professional development. A Director Training Package, which covers the five topics specified by the Exchange, with over 30 videos in English, 22 in Cantonese and 27 in Putonghua, has now been launched.

These five topics cover the following areas:

  1. The roles, functions and responsibilities of the board, its committees and its directors, and board effectiveness.
  2. Issuers’ obligations and directors’ duties under Hong Kong law and the Listing Rules, and key legal and regulatory developments (including Listing Rule updates) relevant to the discharge of such obligations and duties.
  3. Corporate governance and ESG matters (including developments on sustainability or climate-related risks and opportunities relevant to the issuer and its business).
  4. Risk management and internal controls.
  5. Updates on industry-specific developments, business trends and strategies relevant to the issuer.

Visit the Institute’s dedicated website page for more details:

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上市公司须予公布的交易 CGj回顾了公会新推出的上市规则基础课程系列第二节,主题是上市规则第14章下须予公布的交易。
Friday | 17 January 2025